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Proof of Principle Funding Call in Optical Imaging for Life Sciences and Medicine


-- This call is now closed --

This funding is provided by the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance (SULSA) and Scottish Imaging Network (SINAPSE) and is aimed at new research, and establishing or fostering research collaborations between academia and industry to drive novel optical imaging research in the context of life sciences and medicine.

Funding up to £5,000 can be sought for a broad range of activities relating to any research or partnership activity with industry, including:

·       Consumables

·       Facilities access

·       Travel to consortium meetings

·       Travel for establishing network connections

·       Attend or host meetings of academic and external partners at any stage during the preparation of applications

·       Run workshops to share experience and best practice with regard to Industrial collaborations

·       Co-ordinate meetings to engage with SMEs and to share best practice with regard to this engagement

·       Funding for academics travelling to consortium meetings where they introduce a UK-based SME

·       Showcasing skills and capabilities

·       Participating in specific networking activities both for policy influencing and project preparation

Eligibility requirements:

·       The lead applicant should be a researcher employed in a University that is a partner of SUPASULSA or SINAPSE

·       You must have a UK-based industrial partner and provide a letter of support 

·       Projects should demonstrate a potential for leveraging further funding

·       Researchers can apply for up to £5,000; costs need to be justified

We expect to fund between 4 - 6 projects in this call. Priority will be given to interdisciplinary projects and we strongly encourage projects that bridge the different research pools.

Closing date for applications was Friday 26 April 2019 at noon

If you have any queries about this call please email