The Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, SUSSP, was established in 1960 by four ancient Scottish Universities (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and St. Andrews) to contribute to the dissemination of advanced knowledge in Physics and the formation of contacts among scientists from different countries through the setting up of a series of annual summer schools of the highest international standard. The subject area of each school would be such as to reflect the research interests of one or more of these Universities. The number of Scottish Universities supporting SUSSP has increased to include Dundee, Glasgow Caledonian, Heriot-Watt, West of Scotland and Strathclyde. In the early years, one School was held annually but with the recent increase in the number of Scottish Universities, it has been possible in some years to hold two and sometimes three Schools.
Each School is organised by its own Executive Committee which is responsible for inviting lecturers of international standing to contribute an in-depth lecture series on one aspect of the area being studied. The participants come from all over the world and are mostly at the post-graduate or post-doctoral stage of their careers. Schools are typically of two or three weeks duration and are held in one of the many historical beauty spots within Scotland where quiet surroundings enable participants and lecturers to interact in a relaxed and effective way. In addition to the formal programme of lectures and seminars, an extensive social programme is included to contribute to the overall informal atmosphere which has become the tradition of SUSSP.
Governing Committee
The Governing Committee is responsible for overseeing and supporting the ongoing series through the Organising Committees. The Governing Committee comprises the appointed Trustees, namely the Governing Committee Office Bearers, the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance representative for each of the eight SUPA universities (the SUPA Executive Committee) and two elected independent representatives.
In addition to financial contributions from the participating Scottish Universities, SUSSP was, from the beginning, indebted to the Scientific Affairs Division of NATO for generous support through ASI awards. More recently, support has been made available by the European Commission, by the UK research councils, STFC and EPSRC, and by the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA). From 2007, funding was also been made available through a Memorandum of Understanding between STFC, EPSRC and the European Science Foundation (ESF). There are currently no such agreements in place and the Executive Committee of each School seeks its own funding from appropriate sources. If you are considering running a Summer School please see School Directors and Organizers Guide at the link at the bottom of the page. Our Summer School Template for applications is available at the link here: https://forms.office.com/e/BRQRsJq5Vh
An important aspect of each school is the wider dissemination of knowledge through the publication of the proceedings of each School in the SUSSP series. Recent editions have been published in the Scottish Graduate Series by Taylor & Francis through their CRC Press division which now markets existing titles and has assumed responsibility for volumes up to and including those of the 2009 School. From 2010, proceedings were published in the Scottish Graduate Series by Springer. Since 2014 hard copy proceedings have been replaced by audio-visual recordings posted online.
Upcoming Schools
SUSSP81 June 2025 Summer School in Photonic Sensing and Metrology for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SUSSP82 June 2025 MCnet Summer School in Event-Generator Physics SUSSP83 2026 SUSSP 2026 Summer School on Celestial Mechanics Theory and Applications |
Previous Schools
80 | 2024 | High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Summer School |
79 | 2023 | Photonics Sensors and Spectroscopy |
78 | 2023 | High Pressure |
77 | 2022 | Stardust to Extrasolar Planets: Dynamics of exoplanetary and solar system bodies |
76 | 2021 | Photonic Imaging, Sensing & Analysis |
75 | 2019 | Nuclear Physics |
74 | 2018 | Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Photonics |
73 | 2017 | Gravitational Wave Astronomy |
72 | 2016 | Photonic Systems for Sensing and Metrology |
71 | 2015 | Frontiers in Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Optics |
70 | 2014 | International Neutrino Summer School |
-- | 2013 | Computational Astrophysics (cancelled) |
69 | 2012 | LHC Physics |
68 | 2011 | Laser Plasma Interactions and Applications |
67 | 2011 | Quantum Coherence and Quantum Information |
66 | 2010 | Ultrafast Non-Linear Optics |
65 | 2009 | LHC Physics |
64 | 2008 | Advanced Techniques in Electron Spin Resonance |
63 | 2008 | High Pressure Physics |
62 | 2007 | Extra-Solar Planets |
61 | 2006 | Neutrino Physics |
60 | 2005 | Laser Plasma Interactions |
59 | 2004 | Soft Condensed Matter Physics in Molecular and Cell Biology |
58 | 2004 | Hadron Physics |
57 | 2003 | Large Hadron Collider Phenomenology |
56 | 2002 | Ultrafast Photonics |
55 | 2001 | Heavy Flavour Physics |
54 | 2000 | Restless Universe: Applications of Gravitational N-Body Dynamics to Planetary, Stellar and Galactic Systems |
53 | 1999 | Soft and Fragile Matter: Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability and Flow |
52 | 1998 | Advances in Lasers and Applications |
51 | 1998 | Muon Science |
50 | 1998 | Semiconductor Quantum Optoelectronics |
49 | 1997 | Physical Processes in the Coastal Zone |
48 | 1996 | Generation and Application of High Microwaves Power |
47 | 1995 | Laser Sources and Applications |
46 | 1995 | General Relativity |
45 | 1994 | Laser-Plasma Interactions 5: Inertial Confinement Fusion |
44 | 1994 | Simple Quantum Systems |
43 | 1994 | Determination of Geophysical Parameters from Space |
42 | 1993 | High Energy Phenomenology |
41 | 1992 | Spatial Complexity in Optical Systems |
40 | 1992 | Quantitative Microbeam Analysis |
39 | 1991 | High Temperature Superconductivity |
38 | 1991 | Physics of Nanostructures |
37 | 1990 | Pattern Recognition and Image Processing |
36 | 1989 | Physics of the Early Universe |
35 | 1988 | Laser-Plasma Interactions 4 |
34 | 1988 | Optical Computing |
33 | 1987 | Astrophysical and Laboratory Spectroscopy |
32 | 1987 | Computational Physics |
31 | 1986 | Localisation and Interaction |
30 | 1985 | Synchotron Radiation |
29 | 1985 | Laser-Plasma Interactions 3 |
28 | 1985 | Superstrings and Supergravity |
27 | 1984 | Fundamental Forces |
26 | 1983 | Statistical and Particle Physics |
25 | 1983 | Quantitative Electron Microscopy |
24 | 1982 | Laser-Plasma Interactions 2 |
23 | 1982 | Lasers: Physics, Systems and Techniques |
22 | 1981 | Magnetism in Solids |
21 | 1980 | Gauge Theories and Experiments at High Energy |
20 | 1979 | Laser-Plasma Interactions 1 |
19 | 1978 | Metal Non-metal Transitions in Disordered Solids |
18 | 1977 | Nuclear Structure Physics |
17 | 1976 | Fundamentals of Quark Models |
16 | 1975 | Non-linear Optics |
15 | 1974 | The Helium Liquids |
14 | 1973 | Phenomenology of Particles at High Energy |
13 | 1972 | Electronic and Structural Properties of Amorphous Semiconductors |
12 | 1971 | Atoms and Molecules in Astrophysics |
11 | 1970 | Hadronic Interactions of Electrons and Photons |
10 | 1969 | Quantum Optics |
9 | 1968 | Physics of Hot Plasmas |
8 | 1967 | Methods in Solid State and Superfluid Theory |
7 | 1966 | Particle Interactions at High Energy |
6 | 1965 | Phonons in Perfect Lattices and in Lattices with Point Imperfections |
5 | 1964 | Nuclear Structure and Electromagnetic Interactions |
4 | 1963 | Strong Interactions and High Energy Physics |
3 | 1962 | Polarons and Excitons |
2 | 1961 | Fluctuation, Relaxation and Resonance in Magnetic Systems |
1 | 1960 | Dispersion relations |
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School Directors and Organisers Guide | 172.39 KB |