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Graduate School Courses Information

We ask that all PhD students undertake a minimum of 40 hours of advanced specialist physics studies and 20 hours of professional development training during the first two years of their PhD. Please note that this is a minimum requirement and some themes and universities will require their students to do more or have mandatory courses. Additional information about these requirements can be found from your local Graduate School or Graduate School Committee member. Details of all SUPA courses can be found in the SUPA course catalogue and handbook*. 

Enrolment for Semester 1 open early September of each year, enrolment for Semester 2 opens in December.

Catalogue of Courses & Student Handbook    Online Timetable

Researcher Development

Every UK university has a researcher development team, to aid you in acquiring new knowledge and skills beyond your research field, to enable you to graduate with skills to support your future employment. You can find information on the researcher development skills courses run by the SUPA universities at the following:

St Andrews

Vitae is the UK's national organisation for the betterment of researchers. The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) describes the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful researchers and encourages you to aspire to excellence through achieving higher levels of development.  As you start your doctorate, consider looking at the ‘Getting Started’ lens of the RDF, which will help you consider the right questions to identify the training you should consider for the best possible start. 


Whilst undertaking SUPA courses with assessment, you will be required to abide by your university's rules on plagiarism. Those found to have plagiarised in their assignments will be subject to the disciplinary procedures of their home university (not that of the lecturer, if different). More information can be found at your institutions website:

St Andrews

The University of Glasgow also has a good guide on avoiding self-plagiarism.


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within the SUPA course catalogue is correct at the time of publication. SUPA Graduate School courses are subject to on-going development which could necessitate cancellation of, or alteration to, the advertised courses. The SUPA Graduate School reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notice.
Please note that the term ‘credits’ is only used in SUPA course catalogue and handbook to refer to ‘SUPA Hours Equivalent Credits’ (the number of face to face hours per course that students are credited with towards their minimum coursework requirements). This term does not refer to ECTS or any other crediting system.