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Coral Reef Restoration with Magnets

Coral Reef Restoration with Magnets

Project: MIRROR

Coastal marine habitats are biodiverse ecosystems providing a wealth of social, economic and cultural benefits but are under immense human pressure because of coastal development, polluting land run off and climate change. The project aim is to increase coral settlement rates by actively attracting colonisation via a substrate's magnetic properties.

The team expertise for this Environmental Challenge is in Marine Biology, Chemical Physics, Ecology and Environmental Science, Maths and Statistics




Environmental Challenge Marine Biology

Dr Ryan Pereira, Associate Professor, Lyell Fellow, Lyell Centre, Heriot-Watt University

Adriana Tavares

Dr Adriana Tavares, Chancellor's Fellow in Positron Emission Tomography Imaging, U. Edinburgh

Katarzyna Kowal

Dr Katarzyna Kowal, Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, U. Glasgow

Andrew Ward

Dr Andrew Ward, Chancellor's Fellow in Civil and Environmental Engineering, U. Strathclyde

Ben Swallow

Dr Ben Swallow, Lecturer in Statistics, School of Mathematics & Statistics, U. St Andrews

Heidi Burdett

Dr Heidi Burdett, Associate professor in Ecology and Environmental Science, UmeƄm, Sweden

Simona Aracri

Dr Simona Aracri, Permanent Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering

Julia Calderwood

Dr Julia Calderwood, Researcher, Marine Institute, Ireland


Martha VardakiDr Martha Vardaki, Research Fellow in Chemical Biology at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece

Eteri Svanidze

Dr Eteri Svanidze, Research Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany

With Project Partner, Dan Exton, at Operation Wallacae




