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Strategy & Structure

SUPA promotes communication and collaboration among physicists in Scotland. Collectively, SUPA forms the largest cluster of physics researchers in the UK.

 The Graduate School (GS) has around 600 PhD students. Over 50 courses, corresponding to over 800 hours of lectures, are delivered annually. 

Organisational Structure

SUPA is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD) at Vice-Principal level and receives guidance from an International Advisory Committee (IAC).

 The SUPA Executive Committee (EC) contains  representatives from each of the partner universities and the Operations Manager. The Executive Committee concentrates on the strategic direction of SUPA and has strong links to SUSSP and SUPA Associate Members.

SUPA's themes are:  Astronomy & Space Sciences, Condensed Matter & Materials Sciences, Energy, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Photonics, Plasma Physics, Physics & Life Sciences, Physics Education Research and Quantum Technologies.

Each theme has a theme leader. Theme leaders promote collaborative work within their theme.

Each university has a Graduate School Committee member. The Graduate School Committee reviews courses. 

The Operations Manager develops the strategic direction, makes operational decisions and is supported by SUPA staff. 


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