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SUPA Annual Gathering 2024

SUPA Annual Gathering poster - 22 May 2024, Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow, keynote speakers include Scott Doyle and Natalia Korolkova

The SUPA Annual Gathering 2024 took place on 22 May 2024, in the Advanced Research Centre in Glasgow University. 



  9:00 -  9:30      Registration, Poster and Exhibitor set up

  9:30 -  9:40      Welcome

  9:40 - 10:40     Scott Doyle, Beyond Sparks: the Role of Plasmas in Shaping our Energy Future

                          Presented in Room 237, shared through zoom to all rooms and SUPA classrooms

10:40 - 10:50     Break

10:50 - 12:10     First Theme meeting session, Presentations in parallel

12:10 - 13:50     Lunch, Exhibition, Poster Session

13:50 - 15:10     Second Theme meeting session, Presentations in parallel

15:10 - 15:30     Break

15:30 - 16:30     Natalia Korolkova, Quantum Technologies with Bright Light

                          Presented in Room 237, shared through zoom to all rooms and SUPA classrooms

                          Introduced by Sonja Franke-Arnold

16:30 - 16:35     Feedback Survey

16:35 - 17:00     Take Down Posters      



First Theme Meeting, Presentations, 10:50 - 12:10

  • Room 223:  Astronomy, Aurora Sicilia Aguilar

    10:50 - 10:55 - Welcome and Highlights (Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar, Dundee)

    10:55 - 11:15 - What Time Can Tell Us About Space: Mapping Accretion in Intermediate-Mass YSO (Ruhee Kahar, Dundee)

    11:15 - 11:35 -On the Proton Heating in Near-Earth Solar Coronal Mass Ejections (Debesh Bhattacharjee, Glasgow)

    11:35 - 11:55 - Testing gravity from stellar to cosmological scales (Indranil Banik, St Andrews)

    11:55 - 12:15 - Public Engagement in St Andrews (Roberta Vieliute, St Andrews)

    12:15 - 12:20 - Poster presentations (Clara Brasseur, Ferdinand Hollauf, Katerina Klos, Roberta Vieliute)


    Room 224:   Energy and Nuclear Physics

    Energy, Job Thijssen

         10:50  Aveena Abee Varghese, Developing 2D halide perovskites based efficient Indoor Photovoltaics

         11:10  Hrishit Banerjee, Degradation in Li-ion batteries: O hole formation controls stability in Ni-rich cathodes

    Nuclear Physics, John Smith

         11:30  Kayleigh Gates, Exploring Nucleon Structure with Timelike Compton Scattering 

         11:50   Dr Bjorn Seitz, AMBER at CERN - QCD physics beyond Colliders     

    Room 225:  Particle Physics, Victoria Martin


         10:50   Kerr Miller, Heavy Quark Physics from High-Performance Computing 

         11:10  Mary Richardson-Slipper, Search for rare Bd -> phi phi decays in the full Run 1 + Run 2 dataset from the LHCb experiment

         11:30  Richards González, Displaced lepton jets in ATLAS: Run-2 and prospects for Run-3

         11:50  Fuat Ustuner, Pixel Detector Development for Future Collider-Based Particle Physics Experiments

    Room 237 A and B:  Photonics, Robert Thomson

         10:50  Matthias Aquilina, Event driven LiDAR with dynamic neuromorphic processing


         11:10  Lewis Williamson, Spatial and Temporal Methods for Remote Focusing in Multi-Photon Microscopy

         11:30  Manuel Alberto Martinez Ruiz, Enhanced high stiffness optical trapping for subwavelength particles.   

         11:50  Mohammad Biabanifard, ZrO2 Metasurfaces For Holographic Applications

          12:10 - 12:15  Richard Mosses, Introducing the Photonics and Quantum Accelerator

    Room 237 C:  Quantum Technologies, Sarah Mann


         10:50  Max Wells-Pestell, Optimisation of weighted graphs using neutral atom arrays

         11:10  Angus Cowley-Semple, Room temperature optically detected coherent control of molecular spins

         11:30  Roselyn Nmaju, Low-Depth Quantum State Preparation  CANCELLED

         11:50  Ashley Lyons, Two-Photon Interference based Imaging and Sensing

                   and an introduction to the Quantum ARC


Second Theme Meeting, Presentations, 13:50 - 15:10

  • Room 223:  Physics Education Research, Nicolas Labrosse 

         13:50  Rita Tojeiro, The impact of real scientific artefacts in the professional learning of Physics teachers in Scotland


         14:10  Vivienne Wild, Intervention to address imposter phenomenon in physics undergraduates


         14: 30  Antje Kohnle, An interactive homework to support student learning of measurement in quantum mechanics


         14:50  Bonnie Steves, Developing Researchers through Summer Schools in Physics and Astronomy


    Room 224:  Plasma Physics, Declan Diver

         13:50   Ben Torrance, Production of Laser-Driven Carbon Ions at High Repetition Rates on SCAPA


         14:10  Matthew Alderton, Progress Towards High Repetition-Rate Laser-Driven Ion Sources at SCAPA


         14:30  Maia Peat, Machine learning guided optimisation of fast electron temperature in laser-solid interaction experiments


         14:50  Craig Stark, Brown dwarf atmospheres: a laboratory for low-temperature dusty plasmas 


    Room 225:  Condensed Matter, Stephen McVitie

         13:50  Connor Inglis, Multicomponent antiperovskite barocalorics for future solid-state refrigeration


         14:10  Robin Burton, Rotating Intruders in Dense Granular Beds  CANCELLED


         14:30  Harry Lane, Thermal mimicry of quantum cluster excitations: implications for phase transitions in 2d magnets  


         14:50  Luke Rhodes, The magic angle of Sr2RuO4: Interplay of structural distortions and superconductivity in a spin-fluctuation scenario


    Room Studio 2:  Physics and Life Sciences, Stuart Reid

         13:50  Tomasz Plaskocinski, Photonic Metasurfaces for Biophotonics 


         14:10  Dr Richard Bowman, Smart microscopy for everyone: the OpenFlexure Microscope


         14:30  Freya Whiteford, Towards a laser scanning confocal microscope for under £1000


         14:50  Paolo Annibale, Spatial-temporal fluorescence spectroscopy techniques to monitor proteins organization at the subcellular level


    Room 237 A and B:  Photonics, Robert Thomson

         13:50  Donald Risbridger, Robotic Assembly of Laser Systems


         14:10  Saba Khan, When is multiple scattering advantageous in speckle metrology?


         14:30  Chetna Taneja, Light-sheet microscopy with propagation invariant side-lobe suppressed Bessel-like beam (to confirm)


         14:50  Pavlos Manousiadis, Quasinormal Modes of Optical Solitons


    Room 237 C: Quantum Technologies, Sarah Mann

         13:50  Sphinx Svensson, Spatially dependent dark states in atomic magnetometers


         14:10  Grant Henderson, Ultracold Atomic Persistent Currents from Structured Light in a Driven Optical Cavity


         14:30  Sonja Franke-Arnold, Atomic state interferometers in a new (vector) light


         14:50  John Pantoja, Electromagnetic Security of Single-Photon Detectors




Astronomy and Space Science

1. Ferdinand Hollauf, North PHASE observation of the young cluster Tr37

2. Katerina Klos, Investigating the Role of Magnetic Fields in High-Mass Star Formation

3. Clara Brasseur, The extended corona of a young Sun: combined VLBI/spectropolarimetry observations

4. Roberta Vieliute, UV/Optical Continuum Echo Mapping of NGC 3783

5. Connie Allen, An investigation into stellar cluster IC 5070

6. Jay Anderson, Simulating Observation of Weak Planetary Signals in Microlensing Events


Condensed Matter and Material Science


Nuclear Physics

7. William O’Donnell, Using U-nets for the application of machine learning to improve acquisition times for muography

8. Andrew Cheyne, Nuclear Form factor measurements using Recoil Polarimetry at Jefferson Lab


Particle Physics

9. Rory McFeely,  

10. Christiane Mayer, Taste-Testing New Colourful Particles

Physics Education Research

 11. Lauren Muir, What Does It Mean to Be a Physicist? A Study of Physics Identities in an Academic Environment

 12. Rosaria Lena, Categorisation of interdisciplinary problems in Physics  

Plasma Physics

 13. Christopher McQueen, Synthetic Diagnostics of Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration


 14. Anindita Das

 15. Bhupesh Kumar, High-throughput speckle spectrometers based on multifractal scattering media

 16. Saydulla Persheyev, Stimuli sensitive PNIPAM hydrogels for nanophotonic applications

 17. George Okyere Dwapanyin, Raman spectroscopy using shaped laser light for through-bottle whisky detection

 18. Sarah-Jane Twigg and Innes Bakkali, 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices for Biological and Optical Applications Using DLP Printing and Biocompatible Resin

 19. Femy Francis, Fiber coupled on-chip CO2 sensor using Photonic Crystal waveguides

 20. Farhan Ali, 

 21. Rebecca Meehan, Exploring Optical Properties in Skin Using Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer

22. Aakanksha J Shetty, Fluorescence spectroscopy of cell membranes under dynamic mechanical perturbation: investigating modulations to cell signalling 

23. Matthias Aquilina, Event-Driven LiDAR with Dynamic Neuromorphic Processing

24. Yuhui Gan, Flexible Holographic Metasurfaces for Augmented Reality Near-Eye Display

25. William Lavery, Millimetre-wave MIMO for drone detection

Physics and Life Sciences

26.  Giedre Astrauskaite, 2-photon remote focusing microscopy for structural and functional cardiac imaging

27.  Katarzyna Glinka, Imaging performance of a well plate imaging system using a parabolic reflector

28.  Debasmita Banik, Quantitative subcellular FRET-biosensing of second messenger kinetics in living cells using deep learning-based image analysis approaches

 29. Soumyabrata Banik, Fluorescent drug analogues to study drug-target interactions in intact cells

 30. Marc Bathe-Peters, Cells in space: How altered gravity affects local cellular geometry, cytoskeletal organization and drug response

 31. Connor Lindsay, 

 32. Andrew Green, Low cost optical illumination, spectroscopy, and fluorescent lifetime systems for monitoring of photodynamic therapy

33. Syed Harris Hussain, Fabrication and characterisation of micro- and nano-structured surfaces 
towards functional patterning of the intracellular environment 


Quantum Technologies

34. James Peat, Mixing Classical and Quantum Oblivious Transfer Protocols 

35. Richard Aguiar Maduro, Spatial Polarisation Spectroscopy in Vapour Cells

36. Callum Cook, Creating Effective Environments to Reduce Computational Demands of Open Quantum System Simulations