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Inspiring the SUPA Community 2024

Inspiring the SUPA Community

Friday 8 March, Linlithgow Burgh Halls, West Lothian

Purple background with International Women's Day logo in the top right. Text on left reads "SUPA and IOP present Inspiring the SUPA Community. What does excellence look like? What can we do differently? Come away empowered. Inside white arrows on the right hand side is the event info: Friday 8 March, 10-4pm, at Linlithgow Burgh Halls, West Lothian.

Taking place on International Women's Day, but this event is about so much more than women and gender. Come along to hear from people's lived experience, and explore the things we do well and the things we can improve on, in relation to gender, race, age, neurodiversity, and so much more.

Keynote: Dr Clara Barker, Materials Scientist at Oxford University and Inclusion & Diversity Representative for the IOP. 
"Scattering Atoms, Ions and Perceptions"

Speaker: Prof Sonja Franke-Arnold, University of Glasgow
"Being a parent in academia"

Speaker: Sarah Bakewell, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, IOP
Sarah will talk about the latest IOP member diversity survey and the new Physics Inclusion Award (replacing Juno), which launches at the end of March. There will also be a discussion on intersectionality, what this means, and hear practical examples from the audience of how they have incorporated this approach into their work.

This event is a collaboration with and funded by IOP Scotland, with support and organisation from SUPA. A report will be written up after the event to collate the discussion, suggestions and hopes for the future.