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SUPA Committees

SUPA International Advisory Committee

  • Prof Malcolm Longair (University of Cambridge) Chair of SUPA IAC
  • Dr Allan Colquhoun (Leonardo UK)
  • Helen Cross (SFC)
  • Dr Frank Tooley (Scottish Enterprise)
  • Prof Helen Gleeson (University of Leeds)
  • Prof Ruth Gregory (King's College London)
  • Dr Alex Peden (EPSRC)
  • Prof David Miller (Stanford University)
  • Prof Anneila Sargent (Caltech)
  • Dr Richard Burguete (NPL)
  • Prof Gillian Wright (UK ATC) 
  • Prof Andrew Mackenzie (Max Planck Institute)
  • Dr Alicia Greated (KTN)

Board of Directors

The SUPA Board of Directors (BoD) acts as the governance body for SUPA, and comprises Vice Principals, or their delegates, from each of the eight partners.

  • Aberdeen: Prof David McGloin (
  • Dundee: Prof Lisanne Gibson (
  • Edinburgh: Prof Iain Gordon (
  • Glasgow: Prof Chris Pearce (
  • Heriot-Watt: Prof Steve McLaughlin (
  • St. Andrews: Prof Tom Brown (
  • Strathclyde: Prof Paul McKenna (
  • UWS: Prof Milan Radosavljevic (

Executive Committee

The SUPA Executive Committee (EC) includes the heads of physics from each of the eight partners and additional representatives.  The EC oversees all SUPA activities.  It develops general policy and strategy for deploying funds, and cooperates on REF preparations. The EC also resolves problems and reports formally to member institutions.  Each EC member is responsibile for supporting and implementing the SUPA strategy within their institutions.

  • Aberdeen: Murilo da Silva Baptista (
  • Dundee: Andrei Pisliakov (
  • Edinburgh: Philip Best (
  • Edinburgh: Victoria Martin (
  • Glasgow: David Ireland (
  • Heriot-Watt: Patrik Ă–hberg (
  • St. Andrews: Jonathan Keeling (
  • Strathclyde: Stefan Kuhr (
  • UWS: John Smith (

Graduate School Committee

The SUPA Graduate School Committee (GSC) oversees the operation of the SUPA Graduate School.  They review and help to implement the video-linked courses, induction, Annual Gathering, Career Events, and support for doctoral training centres.  The SUPA Operations Manager is also the Director of the Graduate School.  SUPA staff assist the Operations Manager in fulfilling the aims and objectives of the strategy.