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SUPA Committees

SUPA International Advisory Committee

  • Prof Malcolm Longair (University of Cambridge) Chair of SUPA IAC
  • Dr Allan Colquhoun (Leonardo UK)
  • Helen Cross (SFC)
  • Dr Frank Tooley (Scottish Enterprise)
  • Prof Helen Gleeson (University of Leeds)
  • Prof Ruth Gregory (King's College London)
  • Dr Alex Peden (EPSRC)
  • Prof David Miller (Stanford University)
  • Prof Anneila Sargent (Caltech)

Strategy & Structure

Collectively, SUPA forms the largest cluster of physics researchers in the UK.


The Graduate School (GS) has around 600 PhD students currently registered. Over 50 advanced specialist and professional development courses, corresponding to over 800 hours of lectures, are delivered annually via a network of video classrooms. 

About SUPA

SUPA, the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, is a community of over 1200 physicists, including academics, research staff and post-graduate students.  Launched in 2004 , SUPA helped establish Scotland as an international leader in research and post-graduate training.  SUPA  is an alliance of eight Schools.