Contact Information
The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
University of Glasgow
Kelvin Building, Room 227
University Avenue
Glasgow G12 8QQ
General Enquiries:
University of Glasgow
Kelvin Building, Room 227
University Avenue
Glasgow G12 8QQ
General Enquiries:
See REF2021: SUPA Research & Training Environment statement
The 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) is a peer assessment of the quality of UK universities' research in all disciplines during the period 2008-2013. Submissions and results can be viewed on the REF2014 website:
The CDT's receive funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, EPSRC.
SUPA promotes communication and collaboration among physicists in Scotland. Collectively, SUPA forms the largest cluster of physics researchers in the UK.
The Graduate School (GS) has around 600 PhD students. Over 50 courses, corresponding to over 800 hours of lectures, are delivered annually.
SUPA is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD) at Vice-Principal level and receives guidance from an International Advisory Committee (IAC).