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The CM-CDT is a doctoral training partnership between SUPA Condensed Matter physics activities at St Andrews, Heriot-Watt and Edinburgh Universities. The CM-CDT has a threefold purpose: to provide students with a rigorous, broad graduate education across the spectrum of Condensed Matter Physics; to train them in skills that equip them for the workplace, be it industrial or academic; and to foster a vibrant, diverse research environment for their PhD projects.  This endeavor is supported by EPSRC, University, Scottish Funding Council and other funding sources.

Science FestivalThe CM-CDT is currently recruiting an 9th cohort of 15 students to join approximately 80 existing students who are spread across the Scottish sites and with partners in the UK and abroad. Students perform a PhD research project, take graduate level courses integrated with the SUPA Graduate School, participate in summer schools, conferences, workshops, and receive skills training relevant to their future careers. The CM-CDT aspires to produce well-rounded graduates equipped to lead in research, academia, and a wide range of industries and businesses.

As well as participating in many face-to-face events across the country, the CM-CDT’s student-led outreach activity recently published two further outreach magazines focused on Extreme Pressure and on Quantum Mechanics.

The CM-CDT runs an Industrial placement programme funded by SUPA and EPSRC. Students benefit from placements with the CM-CDT Industrial Associates ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months. These placements give students the opportunities to learn about working in industry and broadens their transferable skills.

For more information on all of the above and more see