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SUPA-Sponsored Event: Jim Al-Khalili Public Lecture

International Nuclear Physics Conference banner image

The International Nuclear Physics Conference is coming to Glasgow at the end of July, SUPA is sponsoring the public lecture given by University of Surrey's Professor Jim Al-Khalili, and everyone is invited!

Nuclear Physics and the Making of the Modern Periodic Table

Tuesday 30 July 2019

SEC, Glasgow

Nothing epitomises the field of chemistry more than the periodic table of elements, a classification and ordering of all the different types of atoms in existence on a grid that can be found on the walls of every school chemistry laboratory in the world. And yet, for more than half of the 150 years since the periodic table was first proposed by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, it has been nuclear physicists, not chemists, who have been adding elements to it. To date, in nuclear accelerator labs around the world, 26 transuranic elements have been discovered, the heaviest of which being element 118, named Oganesson.

This lecture recounts the story of how these very unstable and short-lived elements were synthesised, and the ingenuity of the nuclear physicists who succeeded where nature has failed. And the quest is not over yet, for a race is now on to create element 120. And there is speculation that even heavier and, crucially, longer-lived elements might exist in a region of the nuclear chart known as the ‘island of stability’. We may even be able to do interesting chemistry with these so-called 'superheavies'.

Prof Jim Al-Khalili, OBE FRS

Jim is a British scientist, author and broadcaster. He is a professor of Physics at the University of Surrey where he also holds a chair in the Public Engagement in Science. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and the current President of the British Science Association.


This lecture is free to attend but pre-registration is required. To register, please click visit the IOP website: