KE Case Study

Ultrasound Arrays for Therapeutic Applications

A secondment funded from the SUPA INSPIRE project has proved a great success for all concerned, leading to potential new sales, academic papers, and valuable experience for the seconded physicist.

The industrial partner, Diagnostic Sonar Ltd (DSL), was founded in 1975 and produced the first real-time medical ultrasound scanner manufactured in the UK. Over the following three decades, the company expanded into other areas of Industrial Non-Destructive Testing and Medical Imaging and is now a major exporter in varied fields from Aerospace to Nuclear inspection in many countries.

Portable Combined Fluorometer and Spectrophotometer

Portable Combined Fluorometer and Spectrophotometer
LUX Assure and Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde
LUX Assure asked the Institute of Photonics, at the University of Strathclyde, to explore the feasibility of a combined fluorometer and spectrophotometer that would be portable. The project was supported by a SUPA START Award.

Ultrasonic Surgery Tools Investigation

Ultrasonic Surgery Tools Investigation
Piezo Composite Transducers Ltd and IMSaT, University of Dundee
Piezo Composite Transducers (PCT) Ltd approached the Institute of Medical Science and Technologies (IMSaT) at the University of Dundee to help them investigate the use of ultrasound in developing new tools for medical cutting. The work was supported by a SUPA START Award.